Louisiana Golf Association Press Releases

LGA Announces Partnership With Francis Ford Coppola Winery

Written by Admin | Dec 21, 2022 8:37:20 PM


Lafayette, Louisiana – 12/20/2022

The Louisiana Golf Association is pleased to announce that Francis Ford Coppola wines by Delicato Family Wines will become the official wine sponsor of the LGA.

This multi-year commitment makes Coppola the official wine sponsor that will include the presentation of the 31st Mid-Amateur Championship at Oakbourne Country Club in Lafayette.

Coppola is one of the most visited and beloved properties in California. The Coppola portfolio consists of the Diamond Collection, Appellation Series and Directors Cut Wines.

“Wine is so much more than a beverage. It’s a romance, a story, a drama-all of those things that are basically putting on a show.” — Francis Ford Coppola

We are thrilled to have Coppola as a part of the Louisiana Golf Association. I hope that you all will enjoy a glass of one of the great Coppola wines to kickoff this partnership. We hope to do some member events during this partnership as well as during Championship play.

Cheers to a Happy Holiday and great partnership with Coppola Wines.

Francis Ford Coppola Winery Website
